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How to choose the right stone


How to choose the right stone

Did you know that stones were among the first materials used to make houses, buildings and tools? Even in prehistoric times, mankind realized the importance of stones. The ability of stones to protect loved ones from intruders and to shield us from perils were vital traits they provided us with in ancient times. Stones now have other uses than those of the past. This is not to say that they are not yet being used for similar purposes; they most certainly are. However, stones are now used for more mundane purposes.

Stone, like wood or glass, is an extremely popular element in interior design, and the ways in which it can be used are limitless. Would you like granite countertops in your kitchen? What is a quartzite floor? How about a stone mantel?

Keep reading this blog to find out which of the stones we offer will be the best choice for your space.

How to choose the right stone for a space

The first thing you notice about natural stone is its appearance. The impact of color, texture and pattern in enhancing the overall appeal of a particular room cannot be overstated. Therefore, your search for natural stone begins with the distinct look and feel of a stone. Here are a few things to consider when choosing a stone:

The look

Color: Natural stone is available in a wide range of vivid colors, from traditional white to subtle green and deep black. Black granite stones, such as Black Galaxy, are often more rigid and less susceptible to staining or discoloration. This means they won’t need to be sealed as frequently. However, water marks, dust and fingerprints are apparent, making small spaces even smaller. Black Galaxy granite pieces, among others, exude high-end refinement and are ideal for large spaces. On the other hand, lighter-colored varieties, such as Bianco Imperial granite and Sardinia Grey granite, make small spaces appear more prominent, and dust and fingerprints seem less noticeable. Such stones, however, may require frequent sealing and constant maintenance. They are generally found in commercial environments. There are varieties with both light and dark characteristics among the colored stones. Crystal Blue is an excellent example. The stone has a dark blue base with sky-blue, gray and white flecks. There’s a shade of silver luster among them. It’s an intricate pattern with relaxing tones. This stone is unique in that its color palette generates a dazzling impression when exposed to sunlight. Because of its advantages, stone is commonly used for exterior wall cladding.
The pattern: The characteristic vein pattern contributes to the individuality of different natural stones. Marble, for example, is best known for its visible veining. On the other hand, granite is most famous for its speckled appearance with pebbles or spots of different colors. Each stone has a natural pattern that reflects its own fascinating aspects, such as rustic, earthy, informal, elegant and warm. Consider the different colors and patterns of green marble. Rain Forest marble slabs have an earthy feel, while Forest marble is more sophisticated. It’s also worth mentioning that Emerald Green, Fantasy Green and Forest Green have similar green hues. However, the natural movement of each individual determines its uniqueness.

Finish: The surface quality of a stone also plays an essential role in its appearance and usefulness. A stone’s finish gives a distinct feel to the touch. A highly polished finish, for example, is suitable for kitchen countertops, but not for bathroom floors, which can become extremely slippery. Similarly, garden terraces and granite/marble outdoor floors require an unpolished or matt surface with a rough texture. This prevents accidents caused by tripping or slipping.
Finally, the impact of your décor is an important consideration. Stone and its appearance in your residential or commercial projects should complement the existing interior design.


While the aesthetic appeal of natural stone will soothe your eyes, its pragmatism will determine your peace of mind.

Location and environment: Each stone acts differently depending on its location and environment, whether it’s for a bathroom countertop, interior or exterior walls or a sidewalk; choosing a natural stone based on its location is essential. What’s more, climate has a significant impact on stone’s lifespan.
Type of stone: Natural stone has a wide range of qualities. Consider the type of stone you’ll need. Marble, granite, sandstone, limestone and slate are the most common.

Technical specifications: Each stone adheres to a standard that dictates its application in a particular location. Technical factors such as absorption rate, hardness, stone quality and slab thickness are essential to consider. The structural potential of stone is determined by its quality. High-grade stone is harder and more durable, making it a better choice for high-traffic areas.
Care and cleaning: As with any building material, care and cleaning are essential to keep natural stone in top condition. Some stones require regular maintenance, while others are easier to care for. It’s important to understand the maintenance requirements of the stone you choose.


Last but not least, your budget will largely determine the type of stone you can afford. Natural stones vary considerably in cost, depending on their rarity, type and provenance.

In conclusion, choosing the right natural stone for your space requires a thorough understanding of your aesthetic, practical and financial needs. Take the time to do thorough research, consult professionals and visit showrooms to find the perfect stone that will enhance your space and stand the test of time.